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October 2024 Top Winners


Our top ten winners were honored in the St. Louis County Council Chambers on October 10, 2024, joined by our Mistress of Ceremonies, KMOV Anchor Taylor Holt, St. Louis County Police Department's Lieutenant Colonel Norman Mann, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department's Lieutenant Thomas Muldrow, and Glendale Police Department's Chief Jeffrey Beaton. 


Pharaoh Barnum-Hill 

Douglas Elementary School

Belleville School District 118

Pharaoh was nominated by Alyssa Mueller, who shared this with us, “Pharaoh has started this school year with such ambition and kindness. He has been working so hard the past two weeks. He sits quietly and listens when directions are given. Pharaoh is showing all of the other students how to make good choices by modeling appropriate classroom behavior. He uses his AAC speech device correctly to articulate his wants and needs when necessary. We are so proud of him and how he has started this school year! Keep working hard and you will go far, buddy!”  Awesome job, keep it up!

Anna Bernardini and Zaria McNeil  

Douglas Elementary School
Belleville School District 118

Ashley Muendlein, who submitted these nominations stated, “Anna and Zaria started the school year strong as 6th graders leading the school safety patrol.  Anna is one of the first faces students and parents see as they get to school.  Zaria always has a smile on her face and makes sure anyone arriving to school is going to start the day on the right foot.  But safety patrol is not the only amazing thing about both of these kiddos. 

Anna is one of the most trusted kids in my class.  She is always getting her assignments done with such hard work and then finding something productive to do when done.  She has a great attitude with an awesome smile, and it is contagious.  She is one of those students who is just always doing the right thing and I believe that is the kind of leadership this world needs!

Zaria is a natural born leader.  She is a girl that anyone could look at for guidance and good qualities.  She is a helper and always gets the job done right.  Zaria is just an all-around great person and is always making sure others are safe and doing the right thing!”


MJ Braggs

Douglas Elementary School

Belleville School District 118

Brandy Dohle, who nominated MJ stated, “The start of our school year has been all about showing kindness to ourselves and others. We have practiced recognizing when others need us to show them kindness. We have worked hard to give ourselves kind words or self-talk when we are feeling sad, mad or something hurtful. MJ has shown that he can embrace the school community and our ways of kindness. He was recently out on our school playground when another student showed interest in his water bottle. The other student may not have had the ability to understand that the water bottle did not belong to him. MJ was very calm when his water bottle was taken by the other student and showed such kindness and patience as the student explored and examined this new item. MJ recognized that the student needed a bit of grace and did not react in a manner that was hurtful or demanding. MJ simply waited patiently with a smile. It was then that we all realized that MJ has embraced our caring ways at Douglas School for ALL members of our learning community, no matter their needs. Thank you to MJ for remembering that we can be kind to all, because kind kids, are our kind of kids!”

Rylie Brewer

Douglas Elementary School

Belleville School District 118

Alicia Augustine who nominated her stated, “Rylie joined our school this year from a different district. She has come in knowing not a single student, while most of our students have been in school together since kindergarten. Rylie has displayed a positive attitude, hard work ethic, and has welcomed all friends her way. She is a great addition to have in our school and shows so many positive character traits that we wish for our students. Rylie makes it easy to befriend her and enjoy working with her. She is learning great teamworking skills and navigating her path into a new environment with grace and kindness. We're very happy to have her here at Douglas Elementary.”


Jemezz Coker

Delores Moye Elementary School

O'Fallon School District

This young man was nominated by Lynae Vahle who stated, “I always believe that God places students in my class who need me, or I need them. Jemezz was moved to my classroom right before the beginning of school due to some class shifts in our grade level. Jemezz came to me with a learning plan in place due to his severe vision needs. He had a box of visual aids from his previous teacher including lights, magnifying class, enlargement sheets, etc. I placed his desk near our projector screen and close to me. I was absolutely blown away by his courage and perseverance from day one. In my thirty years of teaching, I have never seen a student deal with such adversity with such grace and determination. All day long, every subject, he is focused and working to his very best potential. He NEVER gives up, and works extremely hard for every grade he receives. He has to work three times harder than my other students, and he goes above and beyond. When he struggles to see, he asks for an additional aid to use. On one assignment, he couldn't get the magnification on the screen to work. He took the poor grade he received in stride and didn't say anything to me. When I saw that he had done poorly on a concept I knew he was knowledgeable on, I asked him about his struggle. He didn't want to use his eye sight as an excuse, and he wouldn't advocate for himself. We had a sincere conversation with one another about him advocating for himself in the future, and even when he moves on to other grade levels and teachers, he needs to do so. I also told him that he has already in a month's time taught me so much about perseverance, courage, and hard work. On top of being a hard worker, he is a caring friend. One of his peers, who lives next door to him, was absent from school. Jemezz suggested that I give him his friend's missing work, offered to take it to his house, and followed through with getting the work to him so his friend would not get behind. He knows how it feels to struggle, so his empathy for others is just another great attribute Jemezz brings to our classroom. I am so proud of how he overcomes his difficulties and perseveres to be his best self. I am honored to be his teacher, and I am learning so much about giving grace and doing what I can to assist him as much as possible ~ because he is often too humble to ask for assistance. I feel that Jemezz deserves the Do the Right Thing Award for always keeping a positive mind set about his abilities even when his physical struggles often create obstacles for him. I am so glad God placed us together, and I look forward to the great things Jemezz will achieve in the future.”

Ameilia Harter, Charlie Harter, and MaiLin Randall 

Wolf Branch Elementary School and Wolf Branch Middle School

Wolf Branch School District 113

These three were nominated for this award by Kelly Harter who stated, “MaiLin, Amelia, and Charlie rode their bikes to the tennis courts near their house to play tennis. While they were playing they noticed a lady across the street screaming for help with her children. They also noticed a man in a car stopping to yell at the lady. The kids stayed where they were and MaiLin called 911 from her cell phone. They gave a description of where they were at and what had happened. They then contacted their parents to let them know what happened and to have their parents meet them at the tennis courts. The officer that responded to the scene worked at their school and worked with the three kids to get a report of what happened. The lady and her children stayed with the officers. The children were told by the Swansea Police Department that they did the right thing and interrupted a domestic violence situation.” 


Eleanor Hyatt
Douglas Elementary School
Belleville School District 118

This young lady was nominated by Pamela Mrsich, who stated, “Eleanor has been a member of our Douglas Drama Club since she was in First Grade. I have watched her grow and mature into a wonderful role model for our new and younger club members. Eleanor takes it upon herself to attend to the needs of others and assist when needed without being asked or prompted. With over 40 Drama Club members, it is so helpful to the coaches to have kids like Eleanor who serve as terrific guides for others. It has been a joy to watch Eleanor blossom into such a caring, sweet, responsible young lady!”


A'Leah McGee
Douglas Elementary School
Belleville School District 118

A’Leah’s story came to us from Danielle Steigerwald.  Her nomination stated, “A'Leah is a smart, funny, and sweet kindergartener. We are only in the first weeks of school, and while her classmates are learning proper classroom behavior and how to regulate, this girl has already got it! Need something done, she does it. Be a friend to her classmates, she does it. Follow the rules, she does it. Do the right thing, she does it. Not only is she always doing the right thing, A'Leah comes from a home with a deaf parent. She is helping this teacher and her classmates learn sign. She has brought a new aspect of learning into our classroom and we just love having her enrich this school year.” 

Michael Milford    

Douglas Elementary School 
Belleville School District 118 

Michael’s story was shared with us by Kelsey Renick, who nominated him, stating, “Michael always does the right thing, even when others aren't watching. At our skating fundraiser, he saw a younger student trip over a chair, and he instantly stopped what he was doing to help that student get up and made sure they were okay. He shows integrity, perseverance, kindness, and responsibility every single day!”    


Zoey Patterson

Douglas Elementary School

Belleville School District 118

Zoey was nominated by Diana Gravot, who stated, “I would like to nominate Zoey Patterson for Do the Right Thing. Zoey is caring, compassionate and genuinely kind. She comes to school every morning with a smile on her face and ready to tackle anything the day brings. She works hard at achieving her best throughout the day even when work gets frustrating. On the playground she is a friend to all. She seeks out those that need a hug or just someone to play with. She is always willing to add friends into her playgroup to make them feel included. In the classroom she is willing to give up her things to make a friend feel prepared. Thanks to Zoey’s character and genuine love for others, the students know they can count on her to be there for them. Zoey shines with her positive attitude and joy to be around”

Addison Trapp
Roosevelt Elementary School
Belleville School District 118

Melissa Schwalenberg, who submitted this nomination stated, “Addison is an amazing student, but even more importantly, Addison is an amazing citizen at Roosevelt School. She goes above and beyond to make sure everything she does is top notch and always does it with a smile on her face. School isn't always easy, but Addison will make sure her work is thought provoking and superb. Another thing about her is that she always takes time to welcome new students. Not only does she welcome new students, but she steps in to help when they need something. Addison doesn't know a student that wouldn't be considered a "friend". She will often finish her work, then offer to help others when the teacher cannot get to everyone. In addition, she works hard to get involved in any and all activities in school. She is a member of band, Junior Optimist, and Student Service to name a few. You can also find her working hard at dance and soccer in the evenings and weekends. She makes being a fabulous student and friend look easy! Addison goes above and beyond to be not only a great student, but a fantastic friend and a stunning citizen! Addison is going to do great things in life, and she deserves to be recognized for her hard work and dedication!”


Watch the ceremony here. 

Do The Right Thing of Greater St. Louis

1915 Olive Blvd.

St. Louis, MO 63103


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