Recognizing children for the good things they do.
In 1994, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department partnered with the St. Louis County Police Department, KMOV-TV, Suburban Journals and The Cooperating School Districts of Greater St. Louis, Inc., to participate in the “Do The Right Thing” program. Do The Right Thing provides recognition to children who have been nominated by teachers, parents and neighbors based on their good behavior, heroic acts and service to the community.
Since its inception, more than 25,000 area school children have been nominated for Do The Right Thing Awards. Each month 10 stories are selected to attend a top recognition ceremony, all other nominees are honored at their schools with special ceremonies and prizes. The Southern Illinois Police Chiefs' Association and the St. Louis Area Police Chiefs' Association joined to recognize winners. The Police Departments and Associations along with the sponsorship of our corporate partners of this program allow us to continue to support area students by encouraging them to “Do The Right Thing” and become outstanding St. Louis citizens.
Recognize children in our community for the good things and the positive impact they make to those around them.

Making a difference in the life of a child
School teachers, administrators, school staff, community members, law enforcement officers, family members, and neighbors notice an act of great character performed by a child in our community. They make a decision to recognize the efforts to do the right thing by nominating the child. You can too by clicking the "Nominate" button above and filling the form out with information about why YOU are nominating a child.
Monthly Recognition Ceremony
Judging the nominations is incredibly hard
Every month our panel of judges read every single nomination and the top ten stories are chosen. The nominator, school, and family members of our "Top Ten Winners" are invited to participate in a special ceremony, honoring them, hosted by our mistress of ceremonies, KMOV anchor, Taylor Holt at different law enforcement partner locations throughout the Greater St. Louis Area.

Every nomination is a winner
With schools and family we recognize every child
Each child nominated is a winner! Those stories not recognized at our top ten ceremony are still winners. A certificate, pencil, and t-shirt are sent to each child's school. Schools frequently honor those winners at school ceremonies and other celebrations to recognize those winners!


Do The Right Thing of Greater St. Louis
1915 Olive St, St. Louis, MO 63103, USA